Monday, July 2, 2007

#1 It's Okay

It's been my catch phrase for weeks already.

It's okay.

But it's not. And thanks a million for concern from Dao and Nehemiah. It's okay, I can feel genuine concern. And I know you two are genuine. And a few others whom I've personally expressed thanks; one whom I'm talking to on MSN right now.

Others I'm not so sure and it makes me want to puke when I hear uncalled-for hype.

It's not easy to admit defeat.

On a separate side of things, I am having hell with my FYP. Re-shooting all the scenes. Deadline is 1 month. 1 month isn't enough for anything good. Heck, 3 more months would be more like it. Just like 3 days isn't enough to do anything more than "to complete the exercise and forget about it" video editing.

Half past-six-timing sucks. What you get is half past-six-work.

It's okay. I don't need half-past-six concern. It's really okay. Just let it go.



Zephy said...

windez..!xiaoying here.. how are u?

Windez said...

Hi zeph, thanks for the comment. I'm not sure how to say it too. Let's just say a lot of stuff is happening. :)