Monday, January 7, 2008

#32 God...

I feel so overwhelmed with Your provision. My portion You have freely given me. I am not worthy of what You have given. I'm so so sorry for being an unworthy child. I've always thought I never could go anywhere. You showed me how terribly wrong I was and how far You could bring me singlehandedly. I have lost many skirmishes but still You brought me back. In my weakness You have been made strong. In front of my classmates I am a mouse, but yet You still provide for me richly. I have made promises I have failed to keep, still You keep Yours. I don't know how to thank You or to exalt You further but from now on...

From this very moment I pledge to do my best in RP and for RP, let nothing stop me from achieving what You have set out for me. I thought I was a loser; indeed I am, for You are the greatest champion; champion of the weak.

I am lost for words. I had originally intended to update my daily walk with the RP people and my meet up with my secondary school friends.

Truly both were memorable. But You used a vessel that I had thought unlikely to bring me Your Grace. God, You are mighty. I will praise Your name, worship at Your throne.

God I want to be used by You mightily. Thank God for the unlikely vessel; may You work powerfully in the vessel too.

God. Lost for words.


青春whatthehell said...

nice blog always make ppl reflect on their doings,too bad u no tagbox if nt can be written to be shown to all ppl on my reflection on yr blog

Windez said...

haha, hi chun kwee, thanks I'll take note k? i'll go add a tagboard now. xD