Wednesday, July 23, 2008

#108 Hmmm...

I never expected myself to like programming.

But PHP and MySQL database programming is interesting to me.

For the past 3 days I have been staying over at Jason drummer's house rushing my belated FYP project, and I am seriously surprised at my sudden diligence.

Maybe it's the urgency (although way overdue as my dad correctly pointed out). I don't know.

Nothing much new to update except that my project excites me in ways I have long lost touch with.

It's a web-based story/game hybrid with several personal innovations;

The story excites me;

Anticipating the completed piece excites me;

Oh gosh, think I've been doing too much programming; I'm even ending sentences with semi-colons!

(For your information, semi-colons are separators and are used to distinguish one set of instructions from another. Kind of like a full stop at the end of each sentence so you know when the next sentence starts.)

I've got some apologies to make, especially about my behavior I guess. I should have accepted situations as is and not fall into the trap that so many people have; clumping past bitterness together in a jam-packed dose of self-administered poison.

For now, I'm going to tie up the loose ends and fix my situation.

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