Friday, December 28, 2007

#26 *From Windez to Elisha* The Resurrection!

...Of my external hard drive. Or rather, the content inside it

Because most of my files got corrupted and certain disk sectors were (irreparably) damaged.

Thankfully, Yan Xiang (a brother who used to be in RP) had his friend recover the files for me. I have now recovered my most treasured files; my personal poem cache and my (video) cache, the one of which I treasure the most is a music video I did for the Ultraman Mebius movie! >_<

That particular file is so important to me because it was done in the span of 3-4hours in the middle of the morning at the Binary Fission camp just after I had gone through an especially trying time (Jovin broke his arm then and I was feeling down). The most miraculous of miracles was that every single part fell into place as if they were meant to be.

Which is to say it isn't my work, but God's. At every step I laid the video track down to correspond with the vision of the completed piece in my mind to match the music, I almost did not have to think. Because it was as if the music was composed for the video.

And we (fellow video editors) all know what a bother audio tracks can be in making or breaking a particular video.

And now I have my magnum opus back in my safekeeping. I feel awesome. Mwahahaha.

Who's Elisha, you may ask; The answer? Windez is Elisha. Before & after.


青春whatthehell said...

wa jian mei hahah yr new nick name la!hahahha yeah wa update yr blog leh like emily 1 !don alway focu on facebook la

Windez said...

u type my name wrongly. its Jian Wei. DOTZ. and i DO update my blog more than u =P