Wednesday, May 21, 2008

#79 Today I Want To Celebrate Friends

For those who were wondering, I've got 1 word for you: Sorry!

I know I've seemed to have been MIA from social outings, so I'll just do a little update on my life.

For the past few weeks, I've been Cabal-ing (Cabal -->online game) pretty fervently.

I can't say I haven't neglected areas of my life.

So today, it got myself thinking and wondering if it was all worth it to whittle my life away on a screen of pixels.

The answer is no, in many ways, such as my responsibility towards fulfilling my duties as a student, and for my own personal sake.

But still, I've met amazing people (online and in real life) through the course of the game, people like (written as in-game IDs to protect their identities) :

  • taro (my *heart*-u-long-long buddy for 5 years now; Now don't get me wrong, we're not gays, just laming around :D)
  • drumstick/drumlet (two-in-one same person and auntie of the group. did I mention she works at B-... oh never mind!)
  • arch (my online bro and RP grad-senior, who gives me moral support!)
  • to0n (taro says he looks like Tank but who cares? to all girls out there: he's hawt, get him while stock(s) last!)
  • winds (a.k.a. CYC my secondary school buddy, who's now working full-time without me *sad face*)
  • and so many others in TheFallenClowns (guild) who have yet to meet up in real life.

And you know something cool? Dao's (possibly) joining the fold as Ryudo =P

*His first words: Watashiwa Ryudo...* (can't remember the full sentence 'cos I'm no Japanese linguist/enthusiast)

Sure is getting crowded in here!

But it brings me back to the point I'm trying to make; It isn't just about the game.

It's about the people.


*Addressed to the people in the list who definitely cannot see me and who at this point in time do not have my blog address*

Yeah, it's about all of you! And (in a moment of sheer narcissism) be glad that Poppy (me; PopUrNutz/PopHisNutz/PopMoreNutz) is your friend 'cos I'm patient and understanding! =D


But back to reality. I know I can't live on Cabal for the rest of my life, that's why in the next few days I'm devoting my time and energy to finish my projects at hand.

Meaning no Cabal-ing till I finish my work. =/

For the rest of you out there though, I'm still available to go out, just be friendly to my pocket will ya?

I'm still *technically* schooling. =)

*Edit* P.S. To Heng Yu, j i a y o u! I know it's hard inside, but that training will toughen you up in the long run! Just think about the toned biceps... LOL

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