Friday, November 28, 2008

#163 This Is So Not Myself

I busted close to $150 on clothes just yesterday.

What's so weird?

Shock #1:

I don't shop. Ever. Until now. That is if you don't count the trips to the wet market with dad as of my old part-time job. Or the fact that I visit NTUC regularly to stock up on unhealthy but necessary food for the larder.

Okay, I pretty much failed in making my point.

Shock #2:

I don't like to spend. Except maybe that close to $100 on 1 blazer. Really. *innocent face*

So happily I went home, admiring what I've bought. I even went home and tried it all on once more.

Thank God for my vanity. Because I realised *GASP* the zipper on the jeans is defective.

Imagine going to a wedding dinner without zipping up your jeans. Not a nice thought.

So now I have to lug my lazy ass all the way back to Bugis Street (which by the way has serious oxygen deprivation issues) just to get a change (or a refund).

Damn, why did I even bother.

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