Saturday, December 22, 2007

#21 Xmas Service!

To RP:

Two new siblings-in-Christ who dedicated their lives to Jesus today (as in Saturday, 22 December 2007):

1. Emily (the strange) - got a pink bunny for a present
2. Chun Kwee - got an Inuyasha memento for a present


1. Jaslyn, who rededicated recently! We just met her the previous week during Saturday, but God really bonded her to us! It could only have been through Christ! - got a triangle/heart(?) shaped plushie

Congratulations to all of you; the road ahead is a long but fruitful and exciting experience! Receiving Christ doesn't make you a perfect person, but it brings you closer to the one perfect Father we have in God, and to the perfect role model in Christ, so that day by day we are moulded to become more like Him!

My personal journey:

Today I learnt something about myself and my walk in Christ in the RP ministry; I'm falling more and more in love with this group that I share my life with after I backslided and came back.

I still remember the time when I received Christ, my sense of spiritual responsibility for serving and supporting the group really was because of being "Senior" to the rest somewhat and as people came and left, my motivation was really shaken. Time and again I did not manage to learn to love the group, because I was focused on the deed and not the motivation.

It was only after I left and came back that things started to change as my perspectives change.

I'm very appreciative of the care and concern that everyone showed to me, especially the ones beyond RP because I can sense that everyone truly is sincere. It makes me feel so loved and yet so undeserving, and often more than not i tend to stick to my comfort zone of reaching out to the people who care and say in a personal way, "Hey, I'm really grateful in ways I cannot describe". Every single soul who touched me through their caring actions have contributed to growing me to be one more caring and mature person, being vessels of God.

And yet another startling realisation about myself is this:
I compromise my lack of venturing out of my comfort zone by expanding my comfort zone.

Even though I may seem outgoing, it really is the inward personality in me accept more people into the "inner circle" rather than stepping out.

Which makes me thankful time and again that people seek me out when I would always have wished I made the first step, though I never seem to do so.

And I really have a lot of thank you's to say to everyone in who has blessed me with rich and fruitful conversations, whether over MSN, or other forms of communication, because I get to learn more about others and myself through communicating and drawing out my inner thoughts.

And thanks for the card Jas, I will reply to you through another card. Thank you for your thoughtful gesture. :)

And P.S. Xueping, remember to send me that photo we took together okay! I'm out of suitable msn display pictures. And thanks a million for encouraging me at my low points. If you do need someone to talk to, I'll be here. :D

You know what? God is working. And as much as I am physically drained to my barest minimum, I cannot deny that growing with this wonderful but of Hope-ful people makes me recharge with strength I can get from nowhere other than God. Let's keep looking upward and caring sideways!

And tomorrow, I shall update again. Because my brain feels like it's squeezed dry, I shan't delay sleep's inevitable onslaught any further, lest I mess up tomorrow's schedule.

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